Here we are May 2nd and I ran out for a few things this afternoon.
4 Newspapers (check your local $ tree to see if they sell the sunday paper)
Remaining Budget:$44.70-$4.20=$40.50
Rite Aid
2 Cover Girl Clean Foundations $6.99ea
2 Cover Girl Clean Pressed Powder $6.99ea
2 Nivea Body Wash $3.99ea
1 24 pack Crystal Lake Water $2.99(Not Pictured)
1 Motrin PM $5.49
2 Wet N wild Nail Polish (1@.99 and 1 @ .49) (BOGO50%off sale)
3 Peep singles (1 not pictured, used to treat 2 yr old=)(90% off easter clearance)=.12ea
1 double pack Peeps(90% off Easter Clearance).$25ea
-$5/25 RA video values Coupon (check out Riteaid.com for details)
-(2) Cover Girl B1g1 Coupons ($13.98)
-(2) BOGO RA covergirl sale (13.98)
-$1/1 Covergirl MQ
-$3/1 Motrin MQ
-$3/1 Motrin RA ad Q
-$4/1 Nivea Body wash Q (Redplum 5/2 Insert)
-BOGO MQ Nivea (May all you magazine)
I purchased the peeps because I was below zero for my total. I panicked and just starting throwing the closest thing on the counter. LOL. It's a cheap filler item.
Remaining Budget $40.50-.09=$40.41
Food Lion
1 6pck diet Lemon Snapple $4.99
Total with Tax $5.12
Remaining Budget $40.41-$5.12= $35.29
Some people may be thinking "where is the food"? By stockpiling it allows me to go some weeks without shopping. I have the flexibility to only shop when I see a good sale. Don't worry though, Wednesday, I will be posting some groceries.